

Although born and raised in Split, I can't say that I have appreciated my hometown properly.


The second largest city in Croatia and largest city in Dalmatia, Split has absolutely all the amenities that you might need.

Dalmatian Lifestyle

Dalmatian Lifestyle is a project designed for sharing stories and ideas

About Me...

Although born and raised in Split, I can’t say I truly and properly appreciated my hometown from the get-go. Despite learning Greek and Latin in high school, I was definitely more impressed with a cup of coffee on the Riva, the port promenade, than with the walls of the ancient Roman Emperor’s palace right behind my back. I took for granted fresh vegetables and an abundance of olive oil, served on my plate on a daily basis, as well as lazy walks along the seaside (well, where else could you possibly go for walks?). I appreciated the sunshine for giving my hair natural highlights, and that was about it. 

Not until I went to study in Zagreb did I realise that in Zagreb there was a joke: “How do you recognise a Dalmatian on the continent? They always have sunglasses on the top of their head.” And to be honest, it’s more of a fact than a joke, because we really do wear them all the time.


Even after many years in Zagreb, when the student days were over and I had a real, grown-up job, my sunglasses were always in my hand bag. On many little trips I went to, I realised that in continental Europe in general you do not need any kind of sun protection from November until March, but still I always kept them on standby. So I decided it’s time to put them back to good use.

One of the best parts of working for a big corporation is that usually you can find a branch office in different locations and, when the time was right, my transition to Split was easy to achieve. Sunglasses had already been packed. 

The Palace that I mentioned earlier was built for Diocletian, a Roman Emperor. Of all locations on the Mediterranean, he had picked this very spot to build himself the first retirement home in the history of mankind. He must have had a good reason to do so, and who am I to disagree with such an authority? 


About Split...

As the second Croatian and largest Dalmatian city, Split offers absolutely everything you might need. Well, I’m not an expert in nightlife (not anymore), but when it comes to day-to-day living, I can’t imagine a better location. 

During rush hour it won’t take you more than 25 minutes to get from one side of town to the other, that’s how small it is. 

A legitimate question is, why do we have rush hours at all? Well, in the morning people are usually in a hurry to get to work, the young ones rush to kindergartens, schools, universities, all kinds of sports clubs, etc, and the elderly visit doctors in hospitals or head to the green market or for a walk in the sun. Although medical doctors are well respected and treated like local celebrities, the cure for everything is SSO (sea, sun and olive oil), and if that doesn’t help you, no medicine ever will. Now, you think I’m just kidding, don’t you?

We have afternoon rush hours because of shopping malls, cinemas, theatres, small pop-up events or just outdoor activities on the Marjan hill. That’s how big Split really is.

Just the right size to give us a nice, balanced lifestyle, and balance is what we all strive for. 

Dalmatian Lifestyle...

Dalmatian Lifestyle is a project designed for sharing stories and ideas, some old and some new perspectives of our history and heritage, but also of our way of life as it is today.

All these years in the tourism industry made me realise you cannot avoid a few spreadsheets here and some mundane office tasks there, but it turns out it’s quite nice to be just sitting at your desk a bit if it’s not for more than a couple of hours a day. However, the real fun is definitely outside, talking about our history, culture and cuisine. I’m actually working while the sign “out of office” is hanging at the door! Can you imagine anything better? And that’s what it’s all about – connecting all the dots from way back in ancient times up until today, revealing the bigger picture and understanding how it all came together so beautifully. 

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